Saturday, January 29, 2011

Patience is not a virtue. Waiting for Date No. 2.

It's been a while since I've last chronicled my adventures in un-romance and dating disasters. This is in large part due to the fact that I've been on so many dates and corresponded with so many new men this week that I can no longer keep track of their names, let alone remember to tell you all about them!

I'll get to the week's juicy tidbits and tadpoles later. But in the meantime, let me share this story and subsequent sage advice with you daters.

Last Sunday's date. You'll remember him as the fellow I didn't have much chemistry with but hey that could develop over time but time would take him calling and setting up a 2nd date. You remember, yes? Well I didn't hear from...we'll call him Jed...all week. And I thought, hey no biggie. Onwards and upwards you know. Then on Thursday night--this is 4 nights after our initial meeting for you slow counters out there--he texts (not calls, but texts) me:

'btw it was good to hang out with you on Sunday night...'

Okay, let me start here. 'Btw???' 'By the way' indicates an afterthought. And no one makes this highly eligible bachelorette out to be an afterthought. No one puts me in a corner. Secondly, yes, I know it was good to hang out with me. I was there. And I give good date. I give great date, in fact. And thirdly, you want it? Come and get it. Ask me out again (over the phone would be best now, but I'll take a text with abbreviations and emoticons if necessary). But ask or get off the pot.

I could likely attribute Jed's  iffy communication skills to the fact that he's a mere 26. But I had high hopes that his maturity level might match the fullness of his facial hair. Which is quite scruffy and lovely.

I'll give Jed til tomorrow to get his young act together. If not, my patience will retire and his name will exit my cell phone directory. To make room for new names, of course.

Note to the Ladies: Your date did not lose his phone. He's not working that hard. He has indeed likely passed many phones this week and had opportunity to call.

Advice to the Gents: Okay, so you're not ready to go on Date 2 yet. You don't have time. Maybe you're not sure you even want a Date 2 yet. That's okay. If you think you might ever, ever want to get with this. Keep the doors open. Cause otherwise, us wise ladies are gonna slam 'em in your face.

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